Friday, September 19, 2014

Feminine and Modest

"Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire," 1 Tim. 2:9
Man are created in the image of God, so as women. What we do and wear in our body reflects the one who made us. People look at us and judge us through what we wear. We are to be careful in what message we want people to perceive in our clothing.
I want to create clothes that keeps and helps women to respect and love the bodies God has given them. I want my clothings to be a representation of women's femininity and modesty. Woman are not to be a stumbling block for men, especially on what they wear. Revealing too much skin and sensitive parts of the body might not only cause lustful thoughts to the opposite sex, it might also harm women. Would it be better to prevent these types of crimes by dressing modestly rather than blaming men afterwards? I want women to be seen as a "woman", not to be a subject of lustful desires, just as media is portraying nowadays.

But being feminine and modest doesn't mean not being stylish. Modesty today is related to dressing and covering your whole bodies like a nun. But that is not the right thinking when it comes to modesty. Different cultures might see modesty in a very different way, but in my case being modest is how you properly present yourself to everyone. It's a way of thinking, and in what you think, you act. You think what you will wear, and you convey it on how you dress. I want to share to every woman that I'll work in the future to think what would people think when they wear a certain clothing. Would it be uplifting them as a woman or they'll be seen as a mere 'body part' being exposed to people?

As a woman that believes that modesty is one way to respect our bodies, this is what I want to relay in my designs. I do not need to conform in today's fashion, but I wanted to be seen as a designer that has respected her client's body and image. Because I'm am first a child of God before a designer. And I know that God values modesty, so I should value it too.

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